Wednesday 26 February 2014

Souls of the Labadie Tract, Susan Howe : Poem 85

Souls of the Labadie Tract - Susan Howe

pg. 85

      The poem style is direct and short since the length is only containing five lines entirely. The poem is separated into two segments. The first segment describes the setting of the poem, which is occurring during daytime.
Rhythm is noticed as the stanzas have a longer sentences at the beginning of the poem. A juxtaposition appears since the day is described as passing by quickly yet it is described in the longest sentences.
    The poem ends abruptly as the sentences become shorter and contain less two of the five lines in the second segment. Otherwise there is no definite structure of the entire poem.
This poem creates a belief is something with no actual positive reason. Like working hard and to no end since there is no success, which is practically pointless.

Monday 24 February 2014

77 Poems, E.E. Cummings : Poem 42

77 Poems - E.E. Cummings


      In this simple poem Cummings uses line division to split rhythm units in a selected pattern. When examining all the segments it appears to follow in the order; one syllable, two syllable, one syllable which continues line by line.

1,2,1 & 2
1,2,1 & 2
1,2,1 & 1
      Each of the lines are unique beginning with the value 1, which feature the same letter repetition for a single line. The value 2 represents the two syllable world expounding the message. It gives prominence to the idea, that not a single thing in the world can determine the mystery of stillness.

Saturday 22 February 2014

77 Poems, E.E. Cummings : Poem 64

77 Poems - E.E. Cummings


      Cummings uses the shape of the poem in order to introduce a character in the beginning and to create a stark conclusion on the second separate segment. The two separate pieces of the work elude a connection that meets both death and silence. At the start of the poem a finch is given attention with a cry directed at it. It is asked why must it die along with the speaker, from a warm world where they will miss to live in.
       If it were even possible for the bird to understand the words spoken, and the speaker to comprehend the chirping the speaker intends to state that he/she cannot sing.

Souls of the Labadie Tract, Susan Howe Poem : 67

Souls of the Labadie Tract - Susan Howe

pg. 67

A lot of imagination affects the poem since
Susan Howe means to express a negative mentality which manifests the city. The author also dares not to mention the ideals of not belonging and the choice to act or not. The city is lifeless and full of hatred. 

Sunday 9 February 2014

Ron Silliman's blog review on Collaborations

        Here is a link to Ron Silliman's blog on poetry, this hyperlink contains a direct link to the reoccurring them of Collaborations.

       Collaboration includes a collection of thoughts and ideas which are combined usually by two contributors. It can be between family members, friends or people of related business.

       Some authors such as Frank Lima and David Shapiro have collaborated for more than thirty years. Despite the fact that the idea of collaboration has been considered conspiracy in the work of written pieces, in David Shapiro's opinion chamber music along with the blues are a great example of productive collaboration.

      Given an example of two people and a discussion over the telephone about the subject of paragraphs. Rejections as too something or too tacky.
It is important to have options to criticize the work of others from another perspective.
Sometimes authors combining works would be living in separate regions around of the world with opposite writing processes. Despite that fact these authors will still enjoy to learn from one anothers' published works.

     Despite being an entire piece the work will still have much distinction between two authors since they write in their own styles. An example of this is Sherlock and Conrad's team effort in each writing pieces in Love.