Thursday 27 March 2014

Use of Technology & Poetry Production: 5 Poetry blogs

All Poetry

    Access Poems to other poets online by clicking on one of the Poem titles with their associated profile pictures. It is also possible to comment on each poem after reading them. The blog remains organized by having the option to select poems by Author, Best Poems or Popular. On the main page there are four options where the user can select from : Read, Write, Groups, Contests and Store. There is no restriction to the contributors who may add their works onto the blog or share comments. The poets collaboration is essential as a major portion of this blog is depending on the collection of their work. 

Best Technology Poems

    A very basic layout of all the text fonts and colors. It has countless amount of poems available as entries that can be searched or archived by Member Area, Soup Social, Member Poets/Poem, Famous Poets/Poems, Contests, Lyrics, Resources. The focus on this blog is about the idea of technology. What makes this site effective is providing material to the user because alternate paths site links that can lead to the same poem.
Ongoing updates from any poetry source created a large blog its layout and filters enable tracking specific poems. Inform users on the global scale of the countless sources that are available.


    Exploration of poetry is easy with this creative blog. The visual representation is simple since the site background consists of the site is a newspaper with poems listed on the main page. The user is able to select from any of the following tabs, Home, About, Submissions, Poets, Links, Publicity and Older Posts. The default organization is sequential as new works are organized from last to first upload. Images sometimes accompany the poems at the poet's discretion. The site was just created in the year 2011 and continue to remain up-to-date with subjects specific to world events, such as the Crimea annexation and the Malaysian Airlines incident. Although the information is not factual the data accessed to these occurrences is in the form of poems. This blog demonstrates a great invention to provide users confidence in identifying poems online.

Poetry of Life - Poems on & about Life, Love and Sadness

    This blog blew me away! It is spectacular since there are so many colors and images used to display the poems presented by poets. Aside from the two, Home and About tabs there is a Search bar along with the twenty-five pages listing poem titles, all of which include images. The theme of life and concepts structured towards expression are evident and create a great atmosphere ranging across the entire spectrum. This blog is filed with ideas and texture created through images.

And Other Poems

    The networking idea of connects is advertised throughout the entire blog since there are many links available to network databases. Poem searches is optimized by indexing all of the authors in alphabetical order along with any poems that were uploaded. The possibility to comment is not available, an accustomed feature present in each reviewed blog, however there is the option to share the   poem since there links to Twitter, Facebook, Google, Tumbler and more. The possibly of finding stories in pictures is not available since there are no photos attached to any poems nor the layout of the blog page. This short and concise layout proves useful in finding material quickly however the opportunity for discussion does not exist.

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